Residential Access Ramp Platform with Plumbing

Our client required a platform in their garden to enjoy the summer weather. Platforms are fitted level with your internal floor, for seamless access to the outside. However, some garden hoses and waste pipes threatened to throw cold water on this particular platform!

A concrete platform would have required the hoses to be removed, or have them encased in concrete, making maintenance and use extremely difficult. In our case, we simply removed a section of the platform and walled it with a kickledge for safety. The end result was easy use of and maintenance access to the garden hoses, without any dangerous ledges or obstructions to the ramp surface. The added benefit of our extremely high grip and self- draining flooring means that should this hose spring a leak, there will be no danger to our client.

Should you find yourself with a ramp or platform requirement at your home that might be difficult because of obstructions like these, why not give us a call to discuss. We will always find a way around it!

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Sector: Private
Location: Durham
Install time: 1 Day

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